Treasured memories.

We are seeing more and more nostalgic social media posts about toys, tv shows and scenarios from the 80’s and 90’s, and with the likes of Disney+ and Netflix, we can now watch all of our favourite childhood programmes again, when Disney+ launched here in the UK, I introduced my children to the Gummy bears! You see the reminiscent pictures on Facebook of what life was like in the 80’s, going in the car without seatbelts, family get togethers with ashtrays on the same table as the birthday cake. Honestly the 1980’s & 1990’s just evoke so many wonderful memories. The toys! I know we hear it all of the time, but they just don’t make them like they did back then, I remember wanting an ala cart kitchen more than anything!


With trying to help build memories that my children with look back on in years to come and think of their childhood/teenage years with such love, laughter and fondness, it’s made me look back at my own  childhood memories. Much like my own children, I was raised single-handedly by my beautiful mamma, my brother and I saw divorce as children, but do you know, when I think back to my childhood, I don’t remember a single thing about it. Granted, we were very young, but this is a huge testament to how amazing my mum was and how much of an amazing job she did at creating the most loving home and environment that she possibly could, and this I hope, is what I have somewhat achieved for my children. When I look back, I have only the most fondest of memories, one of my favourite being the holidays that we went on. St Ives in Cornwall is one of my favourite places in the world to visit, and this is down to a holiday we had when we were super little, I remember waking up in the morning to the sound of the seagulls, eating ice cream on the beach front, fish and chips for dinner, building sand castles on the beach, all of it just evokes the most wonderful feelings when I think back on it. Other holidays I cherish as well are the caravan holidays we had, another testament to just how blooming hard my mum worked to make life as special as possible for us. As parents, we all like to take our little ones to the park, and our local park holds some of my dearest memories with family and friends, also the local wildlife park, oh gosh we spent whole days there, seeing all of the fantastic animals, the playground, and my favourite, the gift shop! Who remembers visiting the gift shop at the end of a day out, I just loved finding a keepsake that I actually liked that was within the range of my ‘spending money’!


Whilst I am in no hurry for my children to grow up, well older than they already are, I am excited to look back on the memories that we have built together. They already look back in fondness at the tv programmes that they watched when they were tiddly, and I have enough photos to sink ten ships for them to look back on and say ‘I remember that day’. Either way. I hope more than anything that as adults, they say we had the very happiest of childhoods.


As always, I hope that you are safe and well.

Much love. xx



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