April showers.

Actually as April’s go, the weather has been pretty amazing, well with the exception of the last few days. I think the sunshine has really helped keep people’s spirits up in a time when everyone’s mental health is probably taking a bit of a battering, I know that I’ve previously mentioned that I am definitely having up and down days, and the sunshine has really helped on the off days. As April is drawing to a close and May is just next door, I have been looking back at what has been the most bizarre month this country has seen in recent years, and in all honesty, I’m feeling pretty grateful to have come out of it ok. I haven’t achieved a fantastic new skill, my house isn’t gleaming to an inch of its life and I certainly haven’t lost weight and toned my body with daily exercise sessions, quite the opposite actually, note to self though, we will work on that…after this is over!


No, what I have managed to do is to get dressed (most days), maintain some kind of normality for my children, not home schooled, but encouraged them to give their work a try, do what they can, and if they can’t manage it, I certainly haven’t had a battle with them about it as they are struggling enough with the adaptions that they’ve had to make already. I have had movie marathons, most recent being the Marvel films, yes all 23 of them, do yourself a favour, give them a watch, they are awesome. I have baked along with half of the country, I have done a little gardening, decorated, I’ve read, we’ve enjoyed our daily government approved walks. Also I have slobbed out in front of the tv, like all day, enjoyed really really lazy starts in the mornings, I’ve blogged, spent far far too much looking at screens, I can’t even bring myself to look at my screen time. I have also just sat in the peace and quiet, not watching, not reading, just relishing in the quiet. I’ve thought about making better use of my time, and some days I do, but as I have said before, we are just taking each day as it comes, and doing what we think we can on the day.


So as we head into May, what am I planning to do with another month of isolation? Exactly the same as I already have being for the past month already, and if I feel like it, who knows I may attempt something new, but there is no pressure. So how are you all holding up? I hope April has been kind to you.

As always, I hope you’re all safe and well.

Much love. xx 

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