A year in the making.

Well I kind of missed my Blogs birthday, it came and went while I was laid out of action, and then, well we know the current situation! But I can’t believe it ‘s been over a year since I started my little blog, I feel like I should have had some kind of celebration or something, but hey ho. Instead I’ve been looking back at my old posts, and at just how far it has grown since I first started out, it is still teeny tiny in the grand scheme of things and it’s mine. it’s the baby that I have made and nurtured it, and I am super super proud of what I have developed it into. 


If this is the first one of my posts that you’ve come across, then welcome and I hope that you enjoy it. I initially started my blog as a way of doing what I love to do the most, talk about my four (not so small) children, and all of the things that we love to do as a family, the things we enjoy, basically it is, on the whole, a very positive place to come and escape for ten minutes. Over the past fourteen months, I have covered subjects such as travelling, enjoying the different times of the year, books, films, ALL of the Disney things and so much more. I have had difficult times, which I have spoken about too, and I hope that when I’ve spoken of tough subjects, that you’ve thought I’ve always done it sensitively. I’ve done the odd review for products/films etc, although I cannot claim to be the worlds greatest critic. I like to talk about self-care and not only looking after your loved ones, but make sure that you’re showing yourself some love too. And there is always room for some fun posts too. 


At times I’ve found this blogging journey a little frustrating, as it hasn’t always grown as much as I would have like it to, but I always remind myself, it has always been about the quality content and that it remains true to me, and no amount of growth will make me sacrifice the pride I feel in the posts that I do each week. For those of you that have been with me since day one, thank you for your continued support, it means so much that I haven’t bored you to sleep, and to any newer readers, thank you for your support with my latest work. It always blows my mind that people all around the world read the posts of this little single mamma, from a small town in the UK, I only hope that you know just how grateful I am to everyone that takes ten\fifteen minutes out of their day to read the nonsense that I post twice a week, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. So if you have enjoyed what has been, be sure to keep following, there is so much more to come.

As always, I hope that you’re all safe and well.

Much love. xx

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